I Feel Pretty, And Witty.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

You see, I read both Katie & Jenna's blogs recently and they both have seemed to post some sort of random concern about beauty. Such as hair, or eye products. Well, I thought I should pitch in my two cents. You see, I think I'm about due for another session of Crest Whitening Strips. They do work wonders, I am their biggest sponser. It's been awhile and due to many Diet Cokes, they might be fading a bit... this can not happen. So I challenge you fine bloggers as well as myself to test those strips and get to action!

Don't you think I am about due?

Other than that, I think I am pretty dang good looking. Tell me I'm pretty.


J & J said...

you. are. pretty.

pretty weird, that is.


Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

those pics make me laugh so hard....you are a funny one rachel. i get it though...you are making fun of me and jenna. ha ha ha. see you soon!

The Young Family Inc. said...

Rachel!!!! Some strange girl posted acid-trip pictures of herself on your blog. Better look into that.

this might tickle your fancy

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