Forever An Obsession.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Well last night I finally fulfilled my dream of going to a Celine Dion concert. Was it amazing? Yes. Was she unreal? Of course. Did she sing my childhood song? Yes, "My Heart Will Go On." 

Did I cry? Not just cried, I bawled. A little humiliating but those who know me well, know how scary obsessed I was with Leonardo Dicaprio, Kate Winslet, Celine Dion, and of course THE R.M.S. Titanic, as a child. It was scary. My parents feared for my obsession. 
But in all honestly, the obsession lives on, just like my heart.... 

ha ha oh my gosh. I am so serious too. 
And to top that off, I got home and watched the Oscars and sadly Leo wasn't there, but Kate was and she won the leading actress award and I was proud. 
So here's to my loves. 


Sarah Young said...

Rachel, you're a nut! :)

Ashley Kay said...

ahhh rach, I knew you wouldnt miss it! i am so jealous! i wanted to go!

this might tickle your fancy

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