Drew's Scooter Is Revived!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's a Saturday afternoon in good ol' Highland. Maddies is at working bringing home the money for her children, Rachel, Michelle, Riley, Mitty, & Tina. She works long hours and we are so proud of her. As for us kiddies holding down the fort while Kendall enjoys herself in Arizona- Shelly and I cleaned to and fro. She mopped, I swept and we did it over and over again. At one point in time we met up in the garage throwing away all of the garbage, paused and starred at Drew's dirt bike and scooter-his toys. Michelle turns to look at me and questions, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I say, "Drew?" "No Rafael, Drew's scooter. Let's bust it out." Sure enough we attempted to do so. It was a nice day in Utah and those dont come too often. We were tired so we took a break from cleaning and decided to pimp Drew's ride. Too bad the dang thing was dead so we had to revive it. But how? Ah yes, it has an engine! Let's use Ryder the 4Runner's cables! As we get the kit out, we find many warnings such as- "wear protective eyewear." etc. the best was our very own FLAG! Bright yellow with big black bold letters spelling out, "CALL POLICE!" Perfect. Just in the nick of time, Kendall buzzes in to check on her pumpkin Shelly, we tell her what's up and she says stop! You can't use those cabels! You'll blow yourselves up along with the Scooter! Good thing she called so we found the right cabels hidden under Drew's workshop and went to work. We prob. stood in the street for a good 30 minutes starring at the dang thing trying to figure it out so we decided to dial up Drew's work "Escape Motor Sports" and talk to his boss Clint. We sure love Clint as he laughed and guided us into reviving the scooter that we oh so dreamed of riding. After minutes of sweating and stuggling, the motor spoke and gas began to rise- we revived the scooter! ALL ON OUR FREAKING OWN! We both turned our heads, grinned at eachother thinking of how cool we really were and thought, "Drew would be so proud."

Enjoy our ride.

California: What A Treat

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

So I went to California with my friends Bill & Seth to visit my friends, Brandon & Andrew. It had to of been one of the best trips that I've taken in awhile. I've never been to good ol' California so it was quite the snack. Check it out.

Rach & Maddie's Timeline.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Because Maddie and I were so bored at school, we decided to make a timeline of what we are going to do with our lives that will allow us to be entertained and happy. We each did our separate timeline lists and we are about to combine them together. This is what I've got so far.

FEBRUARY: :: School Scholars- education is our obsession.(bull crap, but we can pretend)
:: Maddie has the sexiest bod EVER!- She's gonna work out.
:: Rach is a water tank- She is going to drink four 32 oz. bottles of water a day!
:: We are investors- Let's save money and go on a spring/summer shopping spree. Maddie is going to hold a fire ceremony "The burning on the winter clothes."
:: We are crafty! Maddie shall make jewlery & Alphabet letters and I Shall paint away.
:: Make a business!

MARCH: :: Weather warms up! Hoorah!
:: Spring Break Suckers- where shall we discover? Give us some ideas!
:: Begin the adventures!- Hike the canyons/Bridal Falls.
:: Purchase bikes.

APRIL: :: Finish Spring Semester
:: Maddie goes to London
:: Rach gets a job at Sundance! "money money money!"
:: How does your garden grow? - Begin the flower patch!

MAY: :: Maddie's back from London
:: Rach's 19th Birthday (such a boring age)
:: Rach & Maddie move into their lovely abode.
:: Garden time!
:: "Man, our business is Ballin!"
:: "Take a look, it's in a book" - Let's read more!
:: Become a movie fanatic

JUNE: :: Let's pick up cooking!
:: Wahoo! Our hair's getting long!
:: Hilton Head Island, South Carolina/ Georgia Trip!

JULY: :: Wicked sick 4th of July!
:: Lake boating trips.

AUGUST: :: Move into our apartment! Saaweet!
:: School starts again. (suck)
:: HOLD UP: Shall we go to Hawaii?

and that's a wrap.

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