life with no deadlines, no rhyme or reason.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My summer has officially begun. With school done, over and out about two weeks ago I have been graced with nothing but sunshine, a mix of thunderstorms, paintings for the sake of painting rather than crossing my fingers to get a decent grade. And well, numerous trips to the grocery store. Par-tay.

 Life with no obligations other than family and friends has been bittersweet. I have luckily conquered the sleeping in phase and I actually get up at a really decent hour and go to bed early with the Zoo, making my days with not much to do, long and beautiful. I have been focusing on staying healthy and have taken great advantage of the outdoors and I have come to love running through the neighborhoods on a morning basis. It wakes me up and it gets me a energy boost start for the day. I can't say I feel productive though. Don't think I'll be living this simple life forever with no rhyme or reason. At times I get so bored that I find myself dreaming of having a job, but with all of the weddings and family summer vacations ahead of me for a month and a half straight, I thought it would be best to make some mula once everything calms down towards July.

The weekends are what I long for as it's time where the Zoo and I can grab some delicious grub to eat out in the sun, be it Mexican to Indian or a flat out yummy American cheeseburger. We are making plans to hit up the Mummy Exhibit at the Leonardo Museum this weekend and I cannot tell you the anticipation that is building up inside of me.

Sometimes I feel pathetic not having an agenda, as though I am wasting so much of my time. But numerous friends have commented to me to not feel bad about it and love this aimless amount of time while I've got it because I wont have it once kids start rolling in, and so I guess I can't feel too bad.... eh?

Life is good, what can I say?


Unknown said...

Love this! Annnnnd you're the cutest

Courtney Schramm said...

don't tell me you painted those cups-- because if so I want them! Darling

Jessica said...

I long for days like that. So much that I sometimes consider just leaving my job and living a happier (and poor-er) life. Enjoy it!!

Mickelle said...

its true!! soak it up!! its the best. once you have that job, you will dream about these days.

this might tickle your fancy

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