Valentines Day Part II

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Today was filled with much excitement. I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning to study more for my test and bolted out the door at 1:30 and didn't make it home from the testing center until four. Yes, four. It took me two hours to take that blasted test. But the feeling of getting it off of my shoulders knowing I had the whole night to myself with the Zoo was so exciting. I was getting butterflies not knowing where we were going to eat. All I knew was to be ready by seven. The Zoo got a hair cut and has been looking extra dapper lately, actually more so like Rick from The Walking Dead. Sometimes, it weirds me out.

I felt like we were dating again when we got in the car and drove with me not knowing the destination. I had that feeling of anxiousness and the unknown and I loved it. I think we were both giddy today, we were so talkative in the car I think we wore ourselves out. The final destination ended up being Sundance and in no way did I complain! It brought back memories of our Wedding Dinner the night before the wedding. Both mine and the Zoo's family, including the wedding party, ate dinner at Sundance and I wore this red floral wrap dress with ruffles. Coincidently, I realized I was wearing that exact dress tonight which brought back the same butterflies from the night before our wedding. I felt like I was reliving the moment, but this time I was more at ease and totally pounding down my meatloaf and mashed potatoes with no shame whatsoever. The cabin feel of Sundance made the cold night seem not as chilly and the stars were out bright. Every one was chipper, stomping into the Foundary Grill for some hot chocolate as they had just rode the lift in from night skiing.

To top off the night, the Zoo and I got into some comfy clothes and finally eased the pain of my massive month long craving of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. There is something about February that makes want doughnuts all of the time. It's awful. We got there at about 11:30 at night, you can imagine that we were the only ones in there, so we decided to sit down and take our time, chat and try out my new camera from Christmas. It was fun, just kind of playing around in the doughnut shop, laughing and watching them make doughnut holes. I think Krispy Kreme knew I was coming because they were playing my kind of music through the sound system - Billy Holiday, and I really felt that I was in the forties-fifties. For some odd reason, whenever I go to doughnut shops or diners, I try to focus on having it feel like it did back in the 40's and 50's. It was a time period that I should have lived during. And I wish the way people styled themselves, the music they played, the way they decorated the diners and shops were the still the same today. I guess that's why I love diners because they still do their best to give off that vibe. So when Billie was playing, I was slightly in heaven.

It was a low key Valentines Day, with just the two of us, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But I must say, the Zoo and I are whipped out. With the past few days being whoppin' busy, we are just ready to crash and burn. Thank the heavens above for Presidents Day. I do believe we'll be sleeping in till dinner time. Happy Valentines Day to you all and may your weekend be a feel good time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

rach I want to eat that sprinkled donut off the screen!

this might tickle your fancy

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