looking for an adventure.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

holy moly, me oh my. im dying to plan an adventure, just dying due to this cold weather that has now set foot in utah. buurrrrrr, i say. my teeth chatter in bed at night. our heater constantly kicks itself out of business leaving us roomies in the bitter freezing cold. all i dream of at night is kicking it classy in the Raleigh Hotel in Miami, Florida. like they say, it is "effortlessly chic and impossibly seductive." goodness, to swim in a pool with such a hollywood regency style, everything so glam and then dine under the twinkling lights in the heat right along the sea. yeah, i'd wish for that right now. and then skip to ma lu to all the nice vintage home decor stores and drool over my wants in a future home. wouldn't the be the dream? i can't wait to dream this tropical dream of mine tonight.... and then wake up to the cold and school. gahh...


Rebecca Anderson said...

lets go for spring break! we have a whole week!

Nicole said...

I agree with becs. Let's go! Looks simply fabulous and glamorous.

this might tickle your fancy

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