we're coming for you.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

dear hilton head island,
just giving you a heads up .
the martin fam bam is coming your way once again
come the end of june for another eventful and
adventure in south carolina.
my how you make us all so giddy and bronzed.
you allow aunt susans hair show off her natural locks thanks to humidity.
you allow austi and the boys to find trouble at night.
you allow ash bash and i to bloat over peach daiquiris
you allow greggie boy to sing to us underneath the oak tree.
you allow gramps and gma to put put with the kiddies.
and you some how allow my motha to wet herself every year.
what a great week you offer to us.
we can't wait to see you again.
we know you miss us dearly
for we are your number one.
and here's a snack for you
every martin fam bam is coming into town
every single one of us.
put your dukes up.
we're coming on over.
26 days to go.

my dear friend logie log.
i love you long time.
and it's been quite a long time since i have seen your radiant smile
and made yummy snacks from trader joes
and helped you do a "homemade" die your hair
and harassed hoover
and purchase your africa totes to give you a boost on all of your causes
because your heart is so big
you are so much fun
and i cant wait for what june will bring
a nice visit from my logie log.
because i know she loves me a long time.

daily affirmations.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

i think we should all start our days off like this little chick-a-dee.

donna wanna.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

dear mother.
if you are reading this, i really think this is the look you should go for when you hit this age. you would blow the other women right out of that water for sure.
i can see it.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

bauer dedication.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

fact: my male friends are very over the top obsessed with jack.
jack bauer.
they find that jack has raised the bar of what it really means
to be a man.
their devotion to jack will never dwindle.
jack bauer is most definately
for example:
"this is for you bauer. if only i could be half the man that you are."
-tyler weaver.

drew drew.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

i truly really i miss my little buddy drewbie doo boo hooooooo. xoxoxo

what it means to be human.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

i love documentary's like this. they honestly give me a boost to go and change lives as well as my own. i have got to see this documentary. i think you need to too.
p.s. it focuses on ghana.
how great the depths of
a human person.


Monday, May 10, 2010

1. i love kate. 2. i love matthew. 3. their laughs are so contagious. i laugh just as loud and hard when i watch this interview over and over and over again. i hope you find some humor in this too.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

does this look like the life?
i think it does...
i love the slight introduction to summer.
not too smoldering. not too chilly.
with the right people, perfect amount of sunlight and a hollywood pool,
we were set and ready to go.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

46 days till i get a whole week of goofing around with these kiddies in south carolina.

this might tickle your fancy

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